Reiki & Energy healing

What is rEIKI….?

Reiki, a Japanese technique, promotes healing by manipulating energy forces believed to be in everyone and thing, their Qi. Qi is a vital life source important to one’s well-being.

Through reiki (Rei meaning universal and Ki meaning life energy), energy is redirected to increase healing, decrease anxiety, stress and promote self healing. By placing hands directly above the body, reiki practitioners act as middle ground between you and energy forces. During a session, you remain fully clothed. Energy travels from the practitioner’s hands to you, taking only the energy needed.

Combined with western medicine, reiki is effective. It’s not a religion. It’s a complimentary health approach.

Does it really work? Studies found that hands-on reiki was better than a placebo effect at lowering blood pressure and heart rate, decreasing pain and boosting quality of life.

It’s been proven beneficial for:

  • Oncology
  • Post Surgical Recovery
  • depression
  • digestion
  • chronic pain
  • anxiety
  • Parkinson disease
  • fibromyalgia
  • elderly or those who can’t handle the pressure from a regular massage
  • infertility
  • meditation
  • balance immune system
  • a natural form of healing one’s self
  • support healing in those who have other medical conditions
  • animals

You might feel more relaxed or less stressed after a reiki session. Reiki doesn’t replace regular medical care so please continue seeing your doctor and following treatment plans.

Reiki is great for animals!

Just as humans suffer from anxiety and pain, so do our furry friends. Reiki is an energetic way to connect to animals. It promotes healing from our hands to them, decreasing stress, providing greater well-being and quality of life. Animal reiki is great for anxiety separation. Sessions are available individually or can be included with their human’s, for an additional fee.

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