Visceral Manipulation (VM)

Visceral manipulation (VM), is great for anyone suffering from abdominal pain, constipation, cramps, indigestion, and perfect for women’s health. It’s a gentle therapy consisting of manual forces that aid the body’s ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations causing pain and dysfunction. This is done by intentionally placing resistance on the body to encourage normal mobility or motility and inherent motion of the visceral connective tissue where it has been impaired. The work is intentional and specific.

Woman receiving professional body, leg and foot massage and lymphatic drainage in health massage salon. Massage creme treatment
Visceral Massage. Woman receiving abdomen massage.
cranial sacral massage; therapist's hands on the subject in action; slight pressure on the lumbal and sacral regions

As movement is vital to any healthy organism, our organs must live by the same theory. Free movement is vital to all living things, so thus, our organs must have
movement to be healthy. Visceral therapy creates optimal function.

“The purpose of Visceral Manipulation is to recreate, harmonise and increase proprioceptive
communication in the body to enhance its internal mechanism for better health.”
Jean-Pierre, D.O.

Visceral therapy benefits digestive disorders, acid reflux, endometriosis, constipation, hip and knee pain, emotional issues, sciatic pain, anxiety, car accidents, trauma, bladder incontinence, menstrual pain and more.

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